Residential Pool Service provides no less than 4 visits per month.
Every week you can be assured complete chemical testing and balance to the pool water by our chemical technician, as determined by industry standards.
Our pool service includes but is not limited to:
Vacuuming the bottom,
Scrubbing the walls and the tile with tile soap
Back-washing filters as needed
Emptying all baskets
Lubricating seals
Adjusting the Total Alkalinity
Adjusting the pH
Total and Calcium hardness
Removing phosphates (Not including largeproblems)
Adjusting the Chlorine or Bromine Levels or adding Salt as needed
Treating yellow, green, and black algae (Not including large issues)
This residential pool service includes all the basic chemicals for normal maintenance and complete water balance.
Any additional algaecides and conditioners will NOT be charged separately.
Alternatively, every week the full service technician will vacuum the pool and net surface, clean baskets, brush walls and floor, and brush the tile line as necessary. Filters (under 200 sq. ft) to be backwashed or cleaned at no additional charge.