Certified Lifeguards
Wondering where you can find highly trained and reliable certified lifeguards North Carolina? Look no further!!
Aqua Operators employs trained certified lifeguards North Carolina to assist you with the management of your pool.
With the exception of school days, lifeguards are available seven days a week throughout the entire swim season.
All of our lifeguards have Advanced Lifesaving Certificates, Lifeguard Training Certificates, or the equivalent, and current CPR and First Aid training.
Here are some of the duties our certified lifeguards North Carolinav are responsible for on a daily basis:
Arrive to work 15 minutes earlier to check chemical reading of pool water and record readings. (Pool chemistry will be tested three times a day).
Enforce rules of the Association and Company for safety and convenience of Association s members.
Supervise main pool.
Call for 10 minute mandatory break every hour for all swimmers. (bathhouses will be checked during this period and cleaned and re-supplied if necessary).
Assist Association in monitoring current pool tags.
Report all medical or disciplinary action to the company. (copies will be available upon request).
Scrub pool tiles around pool water line.
Clean skimmer baskets and backwash filter system.
Straighten pool deck furniture.
Clean the restrooms and re-stock on a daily basis. They will empty trash receptacles
and replace the liners.
Clean and organize swimming pool area.
Lock and secure facility upon closing. If the pool is still open to the members after the guards hours end, the
lifeguards will announce their departure and secure the facility.
Aqua Operators provides certified lifeguards North Carolina for special events, after-hours parties, and extra hours of operation.
The correct ratio of lifeguards to guests is very important for safety and liability reasons.
With an advance notice and a few details about the event, we’ll make sure your party stays as safe and fun as possible.
Our pool management staff is uniformed, fully-trained and experienced, meaning you can count on world-class service.