The Low Down on Pool Dye: For Peeing and Partying!
Pool dye I am here today to give you the low down on pool dye. It is March and I have been wanting to have a St. Paddy’s party complete with heated pool. Come on, folks, we live in SoCal….July pool madness is a real thing. I was thinking that I would really love to add some pool dye to the mix and dye my pool green. The more I thought about the more I am hesitant….less about the dye job and more about the color choice. Green may not be the smartest pool dye color. Yet, I wanted to get to the bottom of the pool dye game.
Is there party pool dye available?
Indeed there is and…good news, it is safe, non-toxic and will not harm your pool or stain your swimmers. The Party Pool color dye claims it is a clarifier for your pool. It comes in green (hmmm?), red, and blue. Red might be fun for some Halloween shenanigans. Blue, however, seems the most interesting. You could enhance your pool into looking like a Caribbean retreat.
Pretty cool, eh? I have never tried it myself but it might be an interestingly fun time regardless of the color choice. I have one other very important pool dye question…one I am sure you want answered, too.
Is there a pool dye that detects (turns purple) when someone urinates?
You have heard this threat since you were a kid, huh? It scared the bejeebers out of you, huh? Me too. As it turns out, this is a big, fat pool dye lie concocted by parents, I suppose, to get children (and some adults) to cease peeing in the pool. This myth has been around so long that when surveyed, most American adults believe that this fictional substance exists. It doesn’t. It could be created but it would detect all sorts of organic material, not just urine. Pool dye myth busted!!