Priming creates the suction needed to get the water moving through the pump, creating circulation in the pool.
Most pumps today are self-priming. However, when the strainer pot of the pump is opened, and water is draining from the pot area, re-priming of the pump is often required to get the water circulating once again.
Basic Pool Pump Priming
1.Make sure to check the water level in the pool, and that it’s halfway up the opening of the skimmer.
2.Check the path of the water, and make sure there are no obstructions in the system such as trash covering the main drain and packed debris within the skimmer.
3.Open the strainer pot lid with the pump turned off. Then clean and remove any debris from the basket. Put the clean basket back.
4.Close any suction valves such as skimmers and main drain, then fill the pump strainer with water until it is overflowing. Reseal the lid of the pump and then immediately turn the pump on while slowly opening one of the suction valves. Watch for the flow. Once a good flow of water is achieved, open the rest of the valves one at a time, individually purging air from each line.
Pump Still Won’t Prime?
1.Repeat the steps above two or three times if needed. Refill the pump pot, and be sure in between each filling you close the suction valves. To purge the system of air, sometimes a system will require multiple priming attempts.
2.If you still cannot get the pump to prime, there may be problems with the plumbing and/or pump, and the help of a trained pool service technician from Aqua Operators may be required.
What If Your Pool Pump Priming Motor Won’t Start Or Quits?
Excess water due to rain or a leak in the system may have gotten into the motor, causing it to short. If you think this has happened, dry the motor and let it sit for 24 hours before attempting to start it up again. The motor can short even by a small amount of moisture. Also, try resetting the breaker at the breaker panel. If it continues to trip, call a pool service technician from Aqua Operators for further assistance.
Motor Is Humming, But Won’t Start Pool Pump Priming
This often means trash has clogged the impeller or there is a bad motor capacitor.
You may need to call a pool service technician at Aqua Operators to assist you.
Motor Is Making A Loud Noise Or Is Vibrating
Oftentimes, this is caused by worn out bearings or a motor shaft that is bent.
Call our service department at 919-332-1121 or 910-499-0620 for an on-site motor replacement.