Pool Leak Detection and Repair Fayetteville NC
If you think about it, the interior surface area of a pool is a fairly large surface, making the process of locating a leak a bit like finding a needle in a haystack.
Fortunately, there are tools and methods developed over time that assist pool professionals with accurate leak detection and pool Repair Fayetteville NC.
Among the techniques used are:
Sonar Listening Devices
This is specialized tool that resembles a metal detector you might see someone using at the beach. These devices use sonar technology, just like U.S. Navy submarines, to detect levels of movement with water. Using a commercial grade sonar listening device is important in providing truly professional, accurate, and comprehensive leak detection.
Dive Dye Tests
Pool professionals will dive in the pool and use dye to detect leaks. This may sound simple enough, but is a process that benefits significantly from training and experience. Note, however, that dye testing alone cannot pinpoint a leak.
Pressure Testing
In this process, plumbing lines are generally pressure tested for 24 hours at approximately 35 pounds per square inch. This part of the process is useful to locate where in a plumbing system a leak may be occurring. A pressure test alone is a fairly extensive and somewhat costly process.
Static Test
This test measures the level of evaporation versus water loss through varied series of system runs to further assist is identifying leak location(s).
Above Ground Run and Probe
The complete system above ground (including manifold of plumbing, valves, etc.) is inspected as part of standard leak location process. Probing is an additional method used for finding leaks where multiple underground plumbing lines lie.
Comprehensive leak detection should not be done in one visit, simply because you may have multiple leaks.
Multiple visits help to assure that all leaks have been identified. Whether the repair is a simple patch, a skimmer replacement, a line replacement, or something else, a pool professional should be able to repair your pool correctly the first time.
source: swimmingpool.com
If you would like more information about pool leak detection and pool leak repair in Fayetteville NC, and surrounding areas, call the pool leak repair experts Aqua Operators at 910-499-0620 today!