That a child, age four and under, is 14 times more likely to die in a “non-guarded swimming pool” than they are to be involved in a motor vehicle death. That’s right… 14 TIMES MORE LIKELY! With that startling and alarming statistical fact, isn’t about time that you have certified lifeguards and/or first responders at your pool facility? Pool lifeguards not only help prevent incidents and accidental deaths they also establish order and structure that is needed at all commercial pool facilities.
Pool Lifeguard:
Selecting the right pool lifeguard and lifeguard company to manage your aquatic facility can be a tricky task. There all kinds of lifeguards out there. Ones you don’t want…and the Aqua Operators ones you do. A Pool lifeguard will normally need to be:
Physically fit
Have good vision and hearing
Pool Lifeguards have to be mentally alert and self-disciplined
Pool Lifeguards have to be a strong, able and confident swimmer
Pool Lifeguards have to be a leader
Pool Lifeguards have to be have a positive and winning attitude
Pool Lifeguards have to be trained and have successfully completed a course of training in the techniques and practices of rescue, first aid and cpr in accordance with a syllabus approved by a national recognized training organization
Thoroughly understand and enforce all rules, policies and procedures; educate patrons about facility rules and regulations
Pool Lifeguards have to be complete accident reports, incident reports and any other reports as needed
Identify hazards and immediate risks that might compromise the safety of patrons
Provide “lite” cleaning/maintenance of the pool facility
Pool Lifeguards have to communicate clearly about issues or concerns
Participate in training’s and skill assessments; remain current on safety practices and procedures by attending meetings, training and safety programs
Perform related duties and responsibilities as required
These are just a few important points that makes Aqua Operators pool lifeguard points that are winning aquatic facilities business across the country.
Contact Aqua Operators online or by phone in Central North Carolina at (919) 332-1121, Eastern North Carolina (910) 499-0620